(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) 新闻链接>>>>>>快船官方:莱昂纳德确定缺席系列赛G4 4月22日讯 快船官方宣布,莱昂纳德因右膝盖扭伤,系列赛G4继续缺阵。 莱昂纳德因伤缺席了系列赛G3,球队输掉比赛,目前大比分1-2落后。 新闻链接>>>>>>Woj:快船可能得在无小卡的情况下打完剩余赛程 名记Woj随后在节目中谈到了小卡的伤情。 Woj表示:“莱昂纳德将因膝盖扭伤缺席G4,他之前已缺席了G3,现在的情况对于快船来说非常艰难。他们已经少了乔治,看起来剩余赛程他们也许都不会再拥有莱昂纳德了。” [–]ThunderRockstar408 1188 points 4 hours ago I know it sounds crazy to say about a 2x Champ and 2x FMVP but Kawhi is such a what-if man. His career could've been so much more if not for injury. It's such a shame. 雷霆球迷:由于小卡早已是2个总冠军和2次FMVP在手了,如果我说他英雄遗恨,大家可能会说我在扯淡,但我还是觉得,要是没有伤病,小卡真的可以取得更多的成就的,实在是太可惜了… [–]76ersSirJoeffer 404 points 3 hours ago When he’s on in the playoffs its like watching MJ. Just pure dominance 76人球迷:是的,当小卡在季后赛开始动真格的时候,感觉就像是在看乔丹打球似的,简直是碾压式的统治力啊! [–]NetsPattyIceNY 183 points 2 hours ago Unstoppable. Incredibly strong, unblockable jumpshot, lockdown defense. 篮网球迷:是啊~~你,挡不住他、扛不住他、帽不到他、过不了他啊!! ]ThunderEpicBlargh 32 points an hour ago Thick. Solid. Tight. 雷霆球迷:是啊~~他,好粗壮、好坚挺、好结实~~~ [–]SunsSDBeast5 3 points 48 minutes ago Keep us updated on your progress! 太阳球迷:楼上的那俩,继续不要停,跟我们说说进行到什么阶段了?~~~ [–]MoooonRiverrrr [score hidden] 6 minutes ago Lmfao 球迷:哈哈哈,笑死我啦!! [–]JohnHamFisted 76 points 2 hours ago honestly crazy to think we got a guy who's the closest to MJ we ever had, but also probably not in the top 20 cuz he just couldn't play enough games for it to amount to something 球迷:想想看,有个球员的能力和乔丹极其接近,却最终很可能排不进历史前20,因为他打的比赛数量根本没办法让他拿到足够分量的成就,这太疯狂了… [–]BullsJust-Efficiency3129 240 points 4 hours ago if kawhi stayed healthy and somehow ousted the warriors in 2017 he would've been top ten all time imo 公牛球迷:在我看来,如果小卡在2017年西决没有受伤,并最终淘汰勇士队,他早已跻身历史前十了~~ 注:2017年季后赛西部决赛,伦纳德在G1踩到帕楚里亚的脚,扭伤脚踝并缺席剩下的季后赛,最终马刺队0-4被勇士队淘汰。 [–]WarriorsAcceptable-Olive3666 16 points 3 hours ago That wasn't happening. 勇士球迷:马刺是淘汰不了勇士队的… [–]Trail BlazersCodeFrame 112 points 3 hours ago Anything coulda happened man. Same people said cavs weren’t beating the warriors. 开拓者球迷:一切皆有可能哦,兄嘚儿,说马刺没法儿淘汰勇士的那帮人,曾经还说过骑士打不过勇士呢~~ 注:2016年总决赛骑士对阵勇士,骑士队在1-3落后,不被看好的情况下,连下三城,最终4-3逆转夺冠。 [–]CavaliersRidgedLines 56 points 3 hours ago Keep going I’m almost there 骑士球迷:楼上你碰到我的G点了,继续~~~不要停,我马上要一库了~~~~~ [–]76ersthisisbyrdman 108 points 4 hours ago He could not have approached the top 5 or top 10. Come on man lmao. 76人球迷:小卡不可能排到历史前5-10位的啦~~别闹了大哥~~~快把我笑死了~~~ [–]mlordkarma 22 points 4 hours ago One of the best defensive players of all time plus one of the most efficient scorers of all time, combined with playoff success. If he continued that he wouldn’t be top ten ? Cmon bro 球迷:他是史上防守最好的球员之一,还是史上进攻效率最高的球员之一,再加上季后赛的成就,如果他能继续这样打下去,难道还进不了历史前十?认真的吗大兄弟? [–]76ersthisisbyrdman 34 points 3 hours ago If he continued what? There’s a huge range of outcomes there. I like Kwahi but let’s be real: he’s not getting that Raptors title if KD is healthy. Those what if games go both ways. 76人球迷:如果他继续,继续啥?人生的不确定性太多了!我也喜欢小卡,但是咱们还是得现实点~那我也可以这么说,如果杜兰特不受伤,小卡2019年是拿不到冠军的~~面对人生的不确定性,大家都是公平的~~ [–]LakersKratos120 604 points 4 hours ago His knees are gone bro one playoff game in he got hurt 湖人球迷:小卡的膝盖已经废了兄弟们,打了一场季后赛他就受伤了… [–]RaptorsmMounirM 402 points 4 hours ago he really skipped all those B2B games for this lol 猛龙球迷:这赛季所有的背靠背第二场,他全都没有打,这样煞费苦心,得到的却是这么一个结果,呵呵~~ [–]LakersSmokeOddessey 97 points 4 hours ago Just the b2b might not be enough, gonna start resting him every other game now just to be safe 湖人球迷:只避免打背靠背第二场可能还不够啊,必须得打一场休息一场才行了,这样才更保险~~~ [–]WuziMuzik 43 points 3 hours ago Just to be sure maybe he should just rest every game 球迷:NO,还是不行!要确保小卡不受伤的话,得一场比赛都不让他打才行! [–]hatisbackwards 5 points 3 hours ago They pretty much do that too 球迷:快船几乎就是这么操作的啊~ (负荷管理/膝盖保养) [–]Lakersmydixxxierectt 55 points 4 hours ago & they call AD street clothes 湖人球迷:可别人还说浓眉是便衣球员吃闲饭的呢… [–]Kings Bandwagonboenwip 82 points 4 hours ago Lakers fans always have to make it about them somehow 湖人球迷:湖蜜为啥总是啥事儿都要找点存在感,好像全世界都在针对他们似的~~ [PHI] James HardenMidnightLightss 3 points 3 hours ago He should just retire 76人哈登球迷:我看小卡还是直接退役吧… (当小卡退役后的快船球迷) [–]Lakers1nTheNick0fTime 596 points 4 hours ago It’s gonna be weird to say this, but I actually feel bad for you Clipper fans. This is ridiculous now 湖人球迷:虽然感觉很别扭,但是我是真的同情你们快船球迷,确实太难了啊~~~ [–]RocketsHouston_Fanboi 110 points 4 hours ago Cursed franchise 火箭球迷:诅咒之队,快船队… [–]Raptors-xXxMangoxXx- 36 points 4 hours ago I want the clippers to fail but fail because they're bad, not fail because of injury luck every year. 猛龙球迷:我确实是想看到快船队失败!但是我是希望他们因为打球烂而失败,而不是因为每年都倒霉催的因为受伤而失败啊~~~ [–]WarriorsDaconvix 20 points 4 hours ago Hate to say it, but man his knee is absolutely cooked. His days as a player may be numbered 勇士球迷:是啊,很烦说这种话,但是哎~~~小卡的膝盖应该算是彻底废了,他作为职业球员的日子可能屈指可数了~~ [–]WarriorsMichael_B_Lopez 44 points 4 hours ago Praying for y’all Clippers fans 勇士球迷:快船球迷们,为你们默哀~~ [–]ClippersSuckMyLonzoBalls 22 points 4 hours ago I wanna die 快船球迷:我不想活啦~~ [–]SunsV-Right_In_2-V 1 point 2 hours ago Fuck out. Blow the team up and build around Westbrook. That would sound crazy 99% of the time, but at least he shows up and leaves everything out there every game. If anything, he sets a great example for the younger guys 太阳球迷:去他娘的!把快船拆了,围绕威少重建吧!虽然我的建议听上去扯得一塌糊涂,但至少威少每场比赛都会出战,而且在场上倾尽全力!如果还有其他要说的,那就是威少为年轻球员树立了一个非常棒的榜样! ]laflameitslit 23 points 4 hours ago load managed all season for this lmao 球迷:负荷管理了一整个赛季,管理了个寂寞,笑死我啦!!!!!!!!!! [–]SunsHesiPullup 9 points 4 hours ago Who’s more cursed, the Clippers or the Wolves 太阳球迷:灵魂拷问:哪支球队更惨,快船队,还是森林狼队? [–]ClippersOptimisticLA 55 points 4 hours ago Us. We make good decisions and bad things happen. They make bad decisions and bad things happen. 快船球迷:当然我们更惨啦!快船做的都是好的决定,得到的却都是坏的回报;而森林狼做的都是差的决定,他们得到坏的结果是理所当然的… 来源:Reddit 编译:河浪端 |
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