键盘侠|马克西40+了还包夹哈登 猛龙输球实际是科学养里?
(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) 【赛后贴】今日NBA常规赛,76人112-90战胜猛龙。 双方关键球员数据: 76人:哈登11分4篮板4助攻2盖帽,马克西44分8篮板4助攻1抢断,哈里斯13分5篮板3助攻2抢断,塔克5分5篮板1助攻1抢断,梅尔顿13分5篮板6助攻5抢断,哈雷尔9分2篮板2助攻1盖帽,塞布尔6分3篮板3助攻1抢断2盖帽。 猛龙:西亚卡姆26分10篮板6助攻,阿努诺比19分9篮板2助攻2抢断1盖帽,巴恩斯13分6篮板1助攻1抢断,特伦特14分4篮板3助攻1抢断,范弗里特1分3篮板5助攻,布歇8分3篮板3盖帽。 [–]RaptorsmMounirM 253 points 57 minutes ago Are the Sixers better without Embiid? 猛龙球迷:赢球不可怕,缺谁谁尴尬? [–]76ersMr_Booty_Bandit 90 points an hour ago Unironically played way better team ball. Offense was much less stagnant and predictable 76人球迷:不得不说,团队配合更好了,进攻不再停滞也不再可预测了。 [–]Toronto HuskiesHakeemTheDr34mStan [score hidden] 44 minutes ago Not really. Joel Embiid commands a double team at all times. There's naturally going to be someone open then, and his ability to find the open guy has been pretty good this season, especially on the backdoor cuts. 猛龙球迷:不能一场论!恩比德在任何时候都能吸引包夹,然后就会有空位,而他给空位传球的能力本赛季已经相当不错了,尤其是找空切球员。 [–]76ersranchsauce13 73 points an hour ago Sixers 2-0 when Korkmaz plays. You know what to do Doc 76人球迷:科克马兹出场,球队2胜0负,老里找到出路! [–]76ersFella_in_Paris_ [score hidden] 53 minutes ago Sit embiid start kork at center 76人球迷:比德替补,马兹首发! [–]76ersranchsauce13 14 points an hour ago The numbers don’t lie. This is the way 76人球迷:数字不会说谎,就这么定了! [–]76ersComeAtMeYo 88 points 4 hours ago Maxey is the present, and he is the future. 76人球迷:现在是马克西的,未来还是马克西的! [–]ZonedV2 31 points 4 hours ago I didn’t watch the game but what happened with Harden, did he just let Maxey have the ball? 球迷:没看比赛,哈登这是怎么了,球权也让给马克西了? [–]76ersItsKBS 29 points 4 hours ago He just got doubled the entire game 76人球迷:哈登中线附近散步都有两个人陪聊! [–]SpursGGezpzMuppy 43 points 2 hours ago Set aside James.Make Maxey the first option Doc, you coward 马刺球迷:哈登第四就第四,第一必须马克西!里弗斯,你个大聪明! [–]Mrmdn333 8 points an hour ago Matisse and Shake both looked better than House. 球迷:塞布尔和米尔顿都比豪斯好用! [–]MaxeytoEmbiid 9 points an hour ago In this place, way better defenders Melton and Thybulle played, and that's the way the rotation should be. PJ needs to come off the bench tomorrow. 马克西恩比德球迷:就锋线而言,梅尔顿和塞布尔防的更好,就应该他俩主打。塔克明天也可以替补了。 [–]NBAdeadweightboss [score hidden] an hour ago Doc is the Russell Westbrook of coaches though 球迷:可是,里弗斯俨然教练界的大威天聋! [–]Punjabiveer30 4 points 4 hours ago Primary Mission: Get Doc fired Status: Failure 球迷:主线任务:做掉老里。任务进度:失败。 [–]RaptorsSPC54 149 points an hour ago* Maxey is fucking unreal.Fred sucked a metric ton of ass tonight.Our defensive effort was abysmal.Our bench is fucking useless. 猛龙球迷:马克西超神,范乔丹隐身,防守不认真,替补必须喷! [–]76erstiggs [score hidden] an hour ago I feel like you guys had the same game that we had the other night with bench and defense. 76人球迷:这稀松的防守,这拉跨的替补,就是上一场的我们! [–]76ersBettisBus 21 points an hour ago your team has some fantastic players. I was worried every time Siakam, Boucher, Trent, OG, or Scottie touched the ball. Luckily, FVV eased that anxiety lol. 76人球迷:猛龙天赋满满,西卡,布歇,阿努诺比,巴恩斯这些人拿球就让人心慌。好在,范乔丹让人心安呐! [–]RaptorsCaptainPhillips1 6 points an hour ago Fred is probably gassed. Guy has been playing so many minutes. 猛龙球迷:范乔丹打的不怎么样,但出场时间长啊! 相关新闻:堪称卧底!范弗里特全场11投全铁 仅得1分3板5助 [–][PHI] Joel EmbiidYesWhatHello 2 points an hour ago Fred always sucks against us for one reason or another 76人球迷:面对76人时,范乔丹总因为各种各样的原因打不好! [–]Raptorsexpressionless420 83 points an hour ago Maxey has something against the raptors damn, dude's got all his career highs against us 猛龙球迷:马克西打猛龙就发疯,我们成就了他所有的生涯高光! 相关新闻:马克西成队史第二位在22岁前曾单场40+的球员 艾弗森以5次居首 [–]76ersItsKBS 210 points 4 hours ago Raptors doubling Harden at half court every possession while Maxey had 40 points was very interesting to watch 76人球迷:马克西都40+了,猛龙还是每回合都包夹哈登,这是没谁了! [–][TOR] Scottie BarnesSerah_Null 27 points 4 hours ago Live by Nurse, die by Nurse 巴恩斯球迷:成也纳斯,败也纳斯 [–]CelticsJordanwolf98 80 points 4 hours ago Maybe Nurse is a Maxey fan 凯尔特人球迷:有没有可能,纳斯是马克西球迷 [–]RaptorsTheChocolateCreed 71 points 4 hours ago Maybe Nurse just wants to prevent Doc from getting fired? 猛龙球迷:再或者,纳斯是在科学养里? [–]Bucks Bandwagonprobablymade_thatup 6 points 3 hours ago Planning for playoffs? 雄鹿球迷:提前为季后赛谋划? [–]ArgentinaGAV17 12 points 3 hours ago Lose the battle, win the war 阿根廷球迷:失之东隅,收之桑榆 来源:Reddit&Twitter 编译:前任城主 |
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